University of Brighton appointed E-ARK Project Co-Ordinator
With effect from 1 January 2016, the University of Brighton have taken over the role of Project Co-Ordinator from the University of Portsmouth.
This transfer of responsibility, which was unanimously approved by all the Project's partners, has arisen following the appointment of the Project's Scientific Co-Ordinator, Professor Janet Delve, to a new post as Professor of Digital Humanities in the College of Arts and Humanities at the University of Brighton.
In order to ensure continuity, the key members of the Project Co-Ordination Team will also transfer to the University of Brighton. The University of Portsmouth will, however, continue to contribute to a number of workpackages within E-ARK.
Janet said "We are very grateful for the support that the University of Portsmouth gave to the process of defining and then initiating this project, and we are looking forward to continuing to work with our former colleagues, who will still be actively contributing to its success by their contributions to our work.
"The University of Brighton is experienced in both working in and co-ordinating European Projects, most recently the highly successful 3D-COFORM Project. We are all now greatly looking forward to taking over the co-ordination E-ARK, which is already achieving significant progress in its research, and bringing it to a successful conclusion in 2017".