Our Story: Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas
When we started considering electronic archives, no tools were available in Spain that could support archivists’ needs or deal with the electronic document standard format that was already embedded in Spanish legislation.
We also saw a need for a standard that made interoperability possible not only at national level but also European. This is of particular importance for government departments.
MHAP agreed to participate in E-ARK as we wanted to create something that would not be isolated, but would be interoperable with another countries and organisations.
Furthermore, MHAP has participated in many other European projects and we predicted that electronic archiving would be the next field to require development and standardisation.
MHAP already has wide experience working with archives, experience developing electronic administration legislation in Spain, and has significant insights into the needs of a range of organisations including government departments, regional and local entities.