NOTICE: Historic website, not updated.

Work Package Lead

Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)

What the Work Package did

This work package specified an archival information package format (AIP) and implemented the conversion of a submission information package (SIP) into an AIP that complied with the format specification.

The AIP format specified a directory hierarchy providing a clear separation between the actual content to be preserved, the metadata describing the content, and the preservation metadata recording digital provenance information.

The result is a highly flexible and extensible structure together with a best practice approach of using metadata for structuring and preserving archival information packages over the long-term. Special attention was paid to the requirement of being able to handle very large data sets which have to be split into several parts because it is not possible to archive them as a single coherent unit.

The implementation of the SIP to AIP conversion represents a prototype implementation of the specified AIP format and is based on architectural principles allowing for scalable and parallelised information package transformation. In this sense, the work package develops a SIP to AIP conversion software based on modular conversion components in order to enable information package transformation most appropriate for each information package type (e.g. ERMS, database, GIS, etc.).


  • AIP format specification published
  • Vocabulary Manager deployed and online
  • MoReq2010 Validator deployed and online
  • Service for validating a MoReq SIP
  • Ability to map MoReq exports with E-ARK SIPs and consequently with E-ARK AIPs
  • SIP to AIP conversion as part of the integrated prototype
  • Recommendations for OLAP related data transformations during SIP to AIP conversion

Public Deliverables

Conference Papers/Publications

  • WP4 Presentation, DLM-Forum Members Meeting, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 14-15 October, 2015.

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